Presidential Commission on Interfaith Initiatives

The NIU Presidential Commission on Interfaith Initiatives is the primary advisor to the president on issues and concerns related to the diversity of belief systems represented at NIU. The commission advises the president on research and actions needed to accommodate the needs of individuals who wish to practice their religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs. Commission members serve on behalf of the whole university community, in a spirit of independence and impartiality to foster a supportive climate for people of all faith and belief systems.

View our response as we stand united with other presidential commissions about recent campus flyer postings.

What does Interfaith Mean at NIU?

"Interfaith" means we view religious and philosophical traditions as bridges of cooperation and building blocks of religious pluralism. We define religious pluralism as a campus community characterized by:

  • Respect for people’s diverse religious and non-religious identities
  • Mutually inspiring relationships between people of different backgrounds
  • Common action for the common good
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