Caroline Menzer

Caroline Menzer

Caroline Menzer is a transfer political science major from Sycamore, IL

Hometown: Sycamore, IL

Year: Expected graduation: 2025

Transfer from: Illinois State University

Why did you choose to attend NIU?
It was close to home and has great political science and nonprofit programs.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Are you pursuing that as a major, or have you taken another path?
When I was younger, I dreamed of working with animals. While I still love animals, I have taken another path toward the government and nonprofit sectors. Maybe animals and wildlife will come into play sometime in my future, but it isn't an overall goal anymore.

What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study?
I am majoring in political science with a certificate in NNGO (nonprofit and non-governmental organization) studies. Ever since high school, I have had a passion for local and state government. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to get firsthand experience in government during high school, so I knew political science was the right fit for me. I have also been volunteering in my community since I was a young child. I have a very strong passion for community outreach and growth, so by connecting government and community, I fell into nonprofit and NGO studies. While they are two different sectors, they work hand-in-hand with each other. I would love to be a connecting bridge between the two, whether as a policy researcher or even a lobbyist.

What has been something you have found pleasantly surprising about your experience at NIU?
I wasn't set on NIU right out of high school because it was so close to home. I thought it wouldn’t be the right fit, but I was obviously wrong. NIU offers students so many great opportunities to grow and prepare for success after graduation. NIU cares about all majors and provides substantial help for students to thrive at college, which unfortunately is something not every school is concerned about. Whether you are a freshman, senior or transfer student, NIU provides every opportunity for you to strive for success and reach your goals.

How have you connected with other students to study for classes, meet new people or form new friendships?
Being engaged in class conversations and participating in group work is a great way to connect with other students in class. I know group work can be annoying sometimes, but it forces you to talk with people and get to know them. This is especially true when you are in your major classes. Working together with peers who share your passion drives creativity and friendships along the way. I am also a huge advocate for getting involved in clubs and organizations in the community. Getting involved helps you meet people with the same interests as you.

Are you involved in any student organizations, mentoring programs or extra-curricular activities? If so, which ones? How have they added to your experience as a Huskie?
I am an NNGO ambassador, and I am involved in CRU campus ministry. Being an ambassador has helped me get connected with both campus and the community. I mostly participate in outreach events for the department, so I get to meet many different people and express my passion for nonprofits. Being involved with CRU has helped me find community on campus and meet a lot of friends. Getting involved is so important to a successful time at NIU. I highly recommend exploring Huskie Hub to see what student organizations interest you.

What NIU offices, departments or resources have helped you succeed? And how?
The University Honors Program has been a great resource for me. Honors students get many opportunities to go above and beyond to reach their goals. We are provided academic support and advising and are given many resources to expand our knowledge and succeed. Another great resource for me has been the Center for Nonprofit and NGO Studies. They have really helped me figure out what I am passionate about and have helped shape this passion into a future career. They have helped me connect my political science major to nonprofits here in DeKalb County and have made me realize that a career in a nonprofit is a great fit for me.

Are there transfer-specific resources, offices or services that you use to help you succeed at NIU?
The advisors in transfer admissions were a great help when I was first making the transition to NIU. They made sure all of my credits transferred and that I was on the right path to graduating on time. They answered all of my questions and made the transition way less stressful than I thought it would be.

Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? What course did they teach?
My favorite professor I have had during my time at NIU has been Professor Anna Mary Walker with the Center of Nonprofit and NGO Studies. I have had her for multiple classes and can say that she is an amazing human. She is extremely passionate about nonprofits and brings in guest speakers and real-world examples from the nonprofit world to help students get a better understanding of the material. She is always willing to go above and beyond for students, and her dedication can’t go unnoticed.

How have you benefited by attending class regularly?
Attending class daily holds me accountable. I am definitely a procrastinator, so the constant reminders from professors of due dates really helps me stay on track. Attending class also helps me make sure I am prepared for all tests and exams. The number one thing you can do to prepare for an exam, before studying, is going to class and actively participating in discussion.

Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? Why are you drawn to it?
My favorite spot on campus is Founders Memorial Library. I can often be found there between classes working on homework or just chilling with friends. The library is a very comfortable environment, and I could spend hours there working on homework and projects, which I often do. Off campus, I can regularly be found at Stage Coach Players Theater performing in a show or watching one. I always say it is a hidden gem in DeKalb County that offers amazing live theater. I highly recommend seeing a show, and if you are an avid performer, consider auditioning for a show!

What advice would you give to a student who is researching colleges to apply to?
A little word of advice I would give to students applying to college is to be open to anything. Most of the time, people do not end up where they thought they would be when applying, and that is OK! Be open to anything. Many colleges have different things to offer, but whatever you choose will be great! Be open, follow your heart and do not give in to peer pressure. Do what is right for you.

Why is a college education important to you?
A college education is important to me because I love learning. I enjoy being in a classroom and expanding my knowledge. The career field is very competitive in today’s society, so having expansive knowledge is only a benefit. I always keep in mind that an education now leads to success later.

What strategies do you use to manage your time between the responsibilities of school, work, friends and family?
A strategy I use to manage my time is a planner. Whether it is a physical planner or the planner on Microsoft or Google, I find that writing out my schedule and due dates holds me accountable for my time management.

How do you stay informed about events and services that are available on campus?
To stay informed, I always read the weekly announcement emails from the university. The email lays out all of the events on campus that week and ways to get involved. It is a great resource, especially during the first few weeks of the semester when there are so many ways to get involved on campus.

What do you do to relax or recharge?
To relax and recharge after a busy week, I like to hang out with my family. My family are my biggest supporters, so spending some quality time with them is much needed. Whether it is watching a movie or going out for dinner, spending time with people you love is a great way to rechange and reset.

Please tell us about your job and hobbies.
I work as the volunteer engagement intern for the NIU Alumni Association. I help manage projects and events to get alumni involved on campus. We host events such as Mission’s Grove during home football games. We also provide many ways for alumni to get involved, like the Huskie Notecard and Postcard project, where notecards and care packages are given to students during finals week and postcards are mailed to prospective students. Our NIU alumni are amazing and continue to contribute to NIU’s legacy.

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